What’s Your PRHC Story?

Join us as a reImagineer!
We’re looking for individuals like you who are passionate about their community and hospital to step into the role of reImagineer. As a volunteer ambassador for the largest fundraising effort in the PRHC Foundation’s history, you’ll make a personal impact on the success of the $60 million Campaign for PRHC while inspiring your community to reimagine what’s possible for our hospital and region.
As a champion of the campaign, you’ll have the flexibility to get involved in ways that suit you best. There’s no minimum time commitment – only maximum impact. We ask that you sign on for at least one of the following meaningful activities and we’ll be here every step of the way to support you as you inspire others…
- Sharing your patient or donor story
- Volunteering or speaking at events
- Hosting an event
- Organizing a fundraiser
- Fundraising through your business or workplace
- Sponsoring the campaign
- Networking on behalf of the Foundation
- Suggesting other ways to support the campaign
Thank you!

Consent to obtain and share my story:
By submitting my PRHC Foundation story on the Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) Foundation website, I hereby give PRHC Foundation the absolute right and permission, with respect to the story I have shared, to be:
Used, re-used, published and re-published in whole or in part, individually or in conjunction with other individuals’ stories for purposes of promotion, advertising or journalism within the public domain and allow that it can be used in any medium, including, but not limited to, printed materials, photographic displays, video footage, media reports and published on PRHC Foundation’s corporate website.
Shared with the Peterborough Regional Health Centre (“the Hospital”) in whole or in part, individually or in conjunction with other individuals’ stories for purposes of promotion, advertising, journalism or fundraising in any medium, including, but not limited to, printed materials, photographic displays, video footage, media reports and published on the Hospital’s corporate website.
I understand this agreement and waive my interest or right of payment and am donating the story to help the work of the PRHC Foundation or the Hospital. I hereby release and discharge the PRHC Foundation, the Hospital and its agents, from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in conjunction with the use of the story, including any and all claims for libel.
I am over eighteen (18) years of age and/or have the consent of a legal guardian.
I have read the foregoing and fully understand the contents thereof.
I also give the PRHC Foundation permission to contact me for any required follow-up for my story.
Find out how you can help
For more information:
Please call us at 705-876-5000, or