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Mental Health Icons featuring a person's head with a heart shape where the brain would be

Mental Health

Making hope and recovery possible through modern, healing environments and new, innovative therapies.

Therapiest supporting female patient

A mental health crisis can strike at any time. When combined with a complex constellation of environmental and genetic factors, we or our loved ones could be just one life-changing moment away from mental illness or a substance use disorder. By the time we reach age 40, half of us will have experienced mental illness.

In a typical year, PRHC cares for 650 child, adolescent and adult inpatients and approximately 1,450 people in the Emergency Department crisis unit, a number that has doubled in the last decade. The Health Centre team also typically supports more than 31,000 outpatient clinic visits annually.

PRHC’s doctors, nurses and staff want to give their patients the best care possible, but as long as PRHC’s environment remains “as is,” they will be unable to do so. And given the expected rise in patients seeking mental health care, the hospital’s current spaces will not be able to meet the demand.

PRHC Foundation is committed to the future of mental health care at PRHC. We’re supporting investment in modern, safe, healing indoor and outdoor mental health spaces. Your donations will also help PRHC recruit the best, brightest, and most compassionate mental health professionals.

Learn more about our highest priority mental health & addictions
initiatives and the impact of your previous support:

Find out how you can help

For more information:
Please call us at 705-876-5000, or