Connect with your hospital and community through the Sharing Tree!

As part of the PRHC Foundation’s Campaign for PRHC, we invite you to connect with your hospital and community through the Sharing Tree.

We’d love to hear what Peterborough Regional Health Centre means to YOU. Submit your PRHC care story or a message of thanks for PRHC’s doctors, nurses and staff on the Sharing Tree. Your message will encourage others to think about their connections to PRHC and lift the spirits of our healthcare experts.

There are two ways to participate:
1. Online
  • Visit the Sharing Tree webpage to see the digital tree and submit your story or message through the online form.
  • We’ll post your story or message on the digital tree and print a copy to hang in the PRHC lobby.
  • Watch for us around the region and follow us on social media for updates on the journey of the Sharing Tree.
2. In person
  • Visit the Sharing Tree at area locations throughout November and December.
  • Write your story or message on an ornament and hang it on the Sharing Tree.
  • When we bring the tree ‘home’ to PRHC, your ornament will hang in the PRHC lobby and be shared on the Sharing Tree webpage

Thank you to our Sharing Tree partner locations and all participants for contributing to our Campaign for PRHC efforts!

Noah, Jessica & Theo’s Story

We are so lucky with the resources we have available at PRHC that our son was able to be delivered, cared for, and checked on throughout his birth. The labour and delivery team are a special kind! Erica and the L&D staff are incredible, and we had the most amazing experience. We will never be able to thank you enough.

Bernie’s Message

Wishing you all the best for a quick recovery today and all year long! My mother-in-law has been at PRHC constantly over the last few years and always praises the doctors and nurses and how good they are with her. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to PRHC staff and volunteers!