Dr. Troy Tebbenham, PRHC’s Trauma Medical Director, shares how the hospital’s trauma program is helping experts save lives with quick and careful emergency care, advanced donor-funded equipment, and partnerships within our community.
Continue readingPreparation of consolidated 2023 charitable donation receipts is underway
PRHC atrium named in honour of Dr. Anne Keenleyside’s $2 million legacy gift in support of cancer care innovation
The atrium of Peterborough Regional Health Centre’s (PRHC) fourth-floor lobby has been freshly unveiled as the Anne Keenleyside & Family Atrium. The naming is in honour of a $2 million estate gift to the Peterborough Regional Health Centre Foundation from Dr. Anne Keenleyside, a highly respected Trent University professor of bioarcheology who passed away in October of 2022 after succumbing to cancer.
Continue readingFall 2023 issue of The Pulse newsletter
The Lloyds are part of a cycle of generosity that spans generations
A video celebration of your philanthropy and its powerful impact on patient care at PRHC
As we reflect on the joy and power of philanthropy, we’re struck by what a remarkable year it’s been at the Foundation and your hospital – because of you! Thanks to your generosity, together we continue to make incredible progress on our mission to support world-class patient care at Peterborough Regional Health Centre.
Continue readingDonor-funded care close to home kept a young cancer patient’s family together at the holidays – help them ensure the same for others
Jellybean’s Market ornament sale in support of PRHC cancer care
Heart of Healthcare – Episode 2: Bill Blair talks about his life-threatening medical emergency
The PRHC Foundation is pleased to launch the second episode of Heart of Healthcare! Episode 2 features guest Bill Blair, a retired accountant, avid cyclist and former long-time PRHC Foundation Board member and current committee member.
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