Chemung Lake District Lions Club supporting pediatric cancer care with a takeaway dinner

Thank you to the wonderful volunteers at the Chemung Lake District Lions Club who are hosting a curbside pick-up fundraising dinner, Saturday, July 10, in support of pediatric cancer care at Peterborough Regional Health Centre. 

Dinner is $12 per person and includes ham, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, cornbread muffins and cinnamon knots in a microwave-safe container.

Call to reserve: 705-657-2671

Pickup 3:00-5:00pm July 10: Lions Park, Ward St., Bridgenorth

July bottle returns to The Beer Store will support your hospital!

During the month of July, proceeds from all bottle returns at Peterborough and area The Beer Store locations were in support of the efforts of the dedicated healthcare workers at Peterborough Regional Health Centre through the PRHC Foundation.

“We are thankful to the incredible hospitals and community organizations that are helping Ontario navigate through COVID-19. We recognize the tremendous efforts your organization is making to support your community during these extraordinary times.” -Peterborough and area The Beer Store employees

Thank you to The Beer Store for making us one of your charities of choice for July! Cheers to you all!

Reimagined 2021 Peterborough’s Dragon Boat Festival celebrates 20 years of fun and fundraising!

On Saturday June 12, 2021 Peterborough’s Dragon Boat Festival officially celebrated its 20th anniversary.

We’re so grateful for this beloved event! Over 20 years it has raised more than $3.6 million to help ensure world-class breast and other cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment are available to patients from across our region. Proceeds from the points-based 2021 Festival that promoted friendly competition for all ages through fun activities and fundraising will help fund a new, state-of-the-art diagnostic ultrasound for PRHC’s Breast Assessment Centre.

The primary use of the ultrasound is to help diagnose breast abnormalities such as a lump and to characterize potential abnormalities seen on mammography. The new ultrasound technology comes with many advancements that will improve image quality, increase its accuracy and make the patient experience more comfortable.

To date, the virtual Festival has raised $48,591.10!

On behalf of everyone at PRHC, especially patients and their families, thank you to the organizing committee, Survivors Abreast and all of the passionate sponsors, volunteers, participants and donors who make the Festival a success every year!

Your support of Peterborough’s Dragon Boat Festival will help to ensure that breast cancer patients have access to the latest, customized treatments, leading-edge technology and world-class care at your regional hospital. 

Learn more about the Festival and how you can still donate here!

Summer Sizzle raises $9,000 in support of the Cath Lab!

Four people wearing masks hold an oversized donation cheque for $9,000

A huge thank you to Kawartha Clean Air & Burning Sensations Home Comfort Centre for their Summer Sizzle Raffle, which raised $9,000 in support of reinvestment in Peterborough Regional Health Centre’s Cardiac Cath Lab!

We’re grateful for this generous donation, and everyone who supported this initiative – by buying tickets, helping with ticket printing and sales, and getting the word out. And congratulations, Dawn, winner of the Napoleon gourmet grill valued at $1,800!

Enzo’s birdhouses in support of PRHC Foundation

A man stands behind a table of birdhouses holding two birdhouses in the air

UPDATE (Apr. 15, 2021): Enzo has sold out of his beautiful birdhouses! Thanks to your enthusiastic response to his fundraiser, he’s all out of corks. Thank you to everyone who supported this creative initiative, and to Enzo and Susan for their commitment to PRHC Foundation!

Enzo Curcio has been inspired to support the PRHC Foundation as a way to say thanks to Peterborough Regional Health Centre’s doctors, nurses and staff for the care his wife, Susan, received during a hospital stay. This spring, he’s making birdhouses from corks to raise funds in support of the equipment and technology PRHC’s healthcare professionals use to provide that world-class care!

Enzo’s cork creations are available for purchase (cash only) until April 30. Different sizes are available, with prices starting at $25.

Thank you, Enzo and Susan, for your commitment to your regional hospital! And thanks to Clifford Skarstedt/Peterborough Examiner for this great photo of Enzo with his beautiful birdhouses!

Peterborough’s Dragon Boat Festival donates $55,449 for the next important step forward in PRHC’s chemotherapy program

Volunteers outdoors with Dragin boat paddles and large cheque

Each and every year we are overwhelmed by the outpouring of community support we receive through Peterborough’s Dragon Boat Festival. 2020 was no exception.

We are so grateful that even after the tough decision to cancel last summer’s Festival due to COVID-19, Survivors Abreast and the Festival Planning Committee still raised an incredible $55,449 in support of 2020’s important fundraising priority: Robotic Intravenous Automation (RIVA) technology.

This generous donation will help fund the next important step forward in PRHC’s chemotherapy program. RIVA is cutting-edge robotic technology that automates the process of preparing medicines for chemotherapy. The result? Faster, more accurate cancer treatment.

Our deepest thanks to Peterborough’s Dragon Boat Festival, Survivors Abreast, and all the volunteers, fundraisers and sponsors for their continued commitment, passion and dedication to ensuring breast cancer patients have access to the latest treatments, technology and world-class care at PRHC!