Heart of Healthcare – Episode 4: The $60 Million Campaign for PRHC

PRHC Foundation launches its $60 Million Campaign: “Without donations, we risk leaving our patients behind. Together, let’s reimagine healthcare.”

On June 25, the Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) Foundation kicked off its biggest fundraising campaign ever, the $60 Million Campaign for PRHC.

With an aging population, more patients, and increasing rates of chronic disease and mental health illnesses, the demand for advanced medical care continues to grow for the 600,000 people who rely on PRHC. The campaign will transform care for those patients by funding state-of-the-art technology, bringing lifesaving new services and groundbreaking innovations to the Health Centre, and helping PRHC attract the best and brightest healthcare professionals.

In the fourth episode of the Heart of Healthcare video series, Lesley Heighway, PRHC Foundation President & CEO and usual host of the series, instead sits down in the hot seat. Local media personality and Foundation donor, Mike Melnik, asks her the questions – they discuss the impact of the $60 million campaign, how funds will be invested, and she addresses a common concern: Facing system-wide healthcare challenges, how can we make sure our patients don’t get left behind?

Lesley also explains PRHC’s journey from a community hospital to a regional healthcare hub since it opened its doors in 2008. She talks about the essential role of Foundation donors, who’ve raised $45.5 million towards the $60 million campaign goal since 2020, and why their ongoing support is needed now more than ever to shape the future of patient care at PRHC.

Watch the full conversation with Lesley and Mike above, or click here.

This video, as well as past episodes of Heart of Healthcare, are also available through the PRHC Foundation’s social media and Vimeo channels. Watch them all for inspiring conversations and stories full of compassion, resilience, and innovation. Plus, you can subscribe to receive each new Heart of Healthcare episode, along with Foundation news and other exclusive content, straight to your email inbox: sign up here.