Image above: PRHC Trauma Medical Director, Dr. Troy Tebbenham (left), and Coordinator, RN Nicole Glover, with the Emergency Department’s new fluids infuser and stretcher.
Earlier this year, Peterborough Regional Health Centre received official designation as a Level III Trauma Centre. As a result, the hospital now has a recognized trauma program that, for the first time, is part of the provincial network, with access to its resources. A PRHC trauma director and team have been appointed to further develop PRHC’s trauma system.
Meanwhile, donors continue to make vital investments in the Emergency Department including a rapid fluids infuser system and IV fluids warmers to help experts quickly and efficiently treat patients at risk from blood and temperature loss when seconds count. Donors also funded equipment that will increase PRHC’s capacity to treat trauma patients – an advanced surgical light for the creation of an additional trauma room and a specialized stretcher to expand PRHC’s fleet.
Thank you for your support! You’re empowering standardized, streamlined trauma care – another important building block in the future of our region.